Magic Foods for Baby-Led Weaning.

Best first foods for weaning:


Excellent Source of fibre, Potassium and Vitamin B6.

Sweet Potato:

Serve Roasted or Steamed chunks for a wallop of beta carotene and Vitamin A.


Superfruit stuffed with healthy fats and carotenoids. The dark green flesh close to the peel has the most phytonutrients!

Stewed Meats:

Stew chicken, beef or pork in the slow cooker until incredibly tender.


Packed with vitamin c and manganese. Serve raw or stewed and added to porridge or yogurt.

Salmon & Tuna:

Fresh steamed fish (with the bones removed) delivers healthy fats and omega-3s.

Foods to avoid for kids younger than 1 year:


Contains a bacteria which can be toxic to babies under one.

Undercooked Food:

Fully Cook all egg, meat and shellfish – no soft-boiled eggs for baby!

Animal Milks:

Avoid cow's, sheeps or goats milk until 12 months old. stick to mum's milk (or formula) and /or water at mealtimes.

Certain Fish:

Shark, marlin and swordfish can contain high levels of mercury.


Avoid tea, coffee, soft drinks and hidden sources of caffeine like cocoa and chocolate.

Mold-Ripened Cheese:

Avoid cheeses like brie, stilton and other soft, mold-ripened varieties.

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